USA Phone Code Guide
This site provides information about US and Canadian telephone number operators. You will be able to determine the state and district, which any phone number belongs to.
The site does not store or distribute personal data. Content displayed at the site is taken from public sources. All information on the site is taken from public sources and is intended for informational purpose only.
The United States of America has many telephone areas (or codes) throughout the country. Each area corresponds to a specific geographic region, and the code is used for telephone calls within and outside the country. Some of the more well-known telephone codes are: 212 — New York (Manhattan), 213 — Los Angeles, 305 — Miami, 312 — Chicago, 415 — San Francisco, 617 — Boston, 202 — Washington, D.C.
There are over 300 codes, and they can cover both major cities and less populated areas. If you need a specific code for a certain region or city, you can find this information on the website
Prefixes: (2XX) (3XX) (4XX) (5XX) (6XX) (7XX) (8XX) (9XX)
Mobile number fraud has become quite common around the world, including the United States and other countries. There are several factors contributing to this increase:
- Increased Mobile Phone Use: With the rise of mobile phone and smartphone users, scammers are finding new ways to trick people.
- Technological Capabilities: Scammers can use technology to spoof numbers (caller ID spoofing), allowing them to hide their true identity and impersonate trusted organizations.
- Variety of Scams: There are many scams, including phishing (getting personal information), winning scams, credit and loan scams, and so-called "robocalls" where automated systems try to trick people.
- Lack of Awareness: Many people are unaware of the risks and signs of scams, making them more vulnerable.
- Globalization: Fraudulent groups can operate internationally, making them difficult to apprehend and prosecute.
According to various studies and reports, phone call and text fraud is one of the most common forms of fraud, and the number of such cases continues to increase. In some countries, it has become such a serious problem that governments and regulators have begun to take measures to combat phone fraud, including introducing laws and technologies to block unwanted calls. It is important to remain vigilant and informed to protect yourself from such threats.
This site provides an opportunity to comment on the phone numbers of USA and Canada. The number of telephone fakers grows every year. You can view the comments on the required phone number or leave your own comment which will help other people not to fall for fraudsters’ tricks later.
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