USA Phone Code Guide
USA Phone
Code Guide

Telephone Area +1 (306) XXX-XXXX / Page 1

Phone numbers of the state Saskatchewan, Canada
Prefix: +1306
This prefix is distributed within the state Saskatchewan, Canada
The largest city in the region is Regina Beach
Time Zone: Not defined
Winter time: Not defined
Summer time: Not defined
Below on the map, there is indicated the largest city in the telephone area +1-306-...-.... Saskatchewan, Canada Regina Beach.

In the United States, telephone numbers are divided into a country code (+1), an area code (or prefix), which is three digits long, and a subscriber number (seven digits). These are just a few examples, and there are over 300 area codes in the United States. Each code can cover both large cities and less populated areas depending on population density and telephone network distribution.

Phone numbers +1 (306) XXX-XXXX

Other pages: 134567
Company District Major City Prefix
Kelvington, SK+1 (306) 327-XXXX
Wynyard, SK+1 (306) 328-XXXX
Asquith, SK+1 (306) 329-XXXX
Fort Quappell, SK+1 (306) 331-XXXX
Fort Quappell, SK+1 (306) 332-XXXX
Balcarres, SK+1 (306) 333-XXXX
Balcarres, SK+1 (306) 334-XXXX
Lemberg, SK+1 (306) 335-XXXX
Fort Quappell, SK+1 (306) 336-XXXX
Regina, SK+1 (306) 337-XXXX
Wadena, SK+1 (306) 338-XXXX
Saskatoon, SK+1 (306) 341-XXXX
Glaslyn, SK+1 (306) 342-XXXX
Saskatoon, SK+1 (306) 343-XXXX
Paradise Hill, SK+1 (306) 344-XXXX
Pense, SK+1 (306) 345-XXXX
Regina, SK+1 (306) 347-XXXX
Regina, SK+1 (306) 351-XXXX
Regina, SK+1 (306) 352-XXXX
Centralbte, SK+1 (306) 353-XXXX
Mossbank, SK+1 (306) 354-XXXX
Mortlach, SK+1 (306) 355-XXXX
Plenty, SK+1 (306) 356-XXXX
Dinsmore, SK+1 (306) 357-XXXX
Macklin, SK+1 (306) 358-XXXX
Regina, SK+1 (306) 359-XXXX
Creighton, SK+1 (306) 362-XXXX
Lanigan, SK+1 (306) 363-XXXX
Lanigan, SK+1 (306) 364-XXXX
Lanigan, SK+1 (306) 365-XXXX
Humboldt, SK+1 (306) 366-XXXX
Humboldt, SK+1 (306) 367-XXXX
Humboldt, SK+1 (306) 368-XXXX
Bruno, SK+1 (306) 369-XXXX
Luseland, SK+1 (306) 372-XXXX
Saskatoon, SK+1 (306) 373-XXXX
Saskatoon, SK+1 (306) 374-XXXX
Kyle, SK+1 (306) 375-XXXX
Meacham, SK+1 (306) 376-XXXX
Rosetown, SK+1 (306) 377-XXXX
Elrose, SK+1 (306) 378-XXXX
Kindersley, SK+1 (306) 379-XXXX
Saskatoon, SK+1 (306) 382-XXXX
Quill Lake, SK+1 (306) 383-XXXX
Saskatoon, SK+1 (306) 384-XXXX
North Battleford, SK+1 (306) 386-XXXX
Marshall, SK+1 (306) 387-XXXX
Bienfait, SK+1 (306) 388-XXXX
Maymont, SK+1 (306) 389-XXXX
Cut Knife, SK+1 (306) 390-XXXX
Coderre, SK+1 (306) 394-XXXX
Centralbte, SK+1 (306) 395-XXXX
Patuanak, SK+1 (306) 396-XXXX
Edam, SK+1 (306) 397-XXXX
Cut Knife, SK+1 (306) 398-XXXX
La Ronge, SK+1 (306) 420-XXXX
Estevan, SK+1 (306) 421-XXXX
Saint Louis, SK+1 (306) 422-XXXX
Saint Louis, SK+1 (306) 423-XXXX
Montmartre, SK+1 (306) 424-XXXX
La Ronge, SK+1 (306) 425-XXXX
Smeaton, SK+1 (306) 426-XXXX
Spiritwood, SK+1 (306) 427-XXXX
Nipawin, SK+1 (306) 428-XXXX
Kipling, SK+1 (306) 429-XXXX
Fort Quappell, SK+1 (306) 432-XXXX
Fillmore, SK+1 (306) 433-XXXX
Moosomin, SK+1 (306) 435-XXXX
Milestone, SK+1 (306) 436-XXXX
Stony Rapids, SK+1 (306) 439-XXXX
North Battleford, SK+1 (306) 441-XXXX
Pangman, SK+1 (306) 442-XXXX
Oxbow, SK+1 (306) 443-XXXX
North Battleford, SK+1 (306) 445-XXXX
North Battleford, SK+1 (306) 446-XXXX
Radville, SK+1 (306) 447-XXXX
Carlyle, SK+1 (306) 448-XXXX
Redvers, SK+1 (306) 449-XXXX
Redvers, SK+1 (306) 452-XXXX
Carlyle, SK+1 (306) 453-XXXX