Information on the prefix 413-296-XXXX
Major City: Chesterfield, MA
District: Hampshire
Major company: Verizon New England Inc.
Time Zone: Eastern
How to call other cities and countries
Call from the US mobile number to Russia:
+7 - (city code/operator code) - (phone number)
+7 - (city code/operator code) - (phone number)
Call from the US local number to Russia:
011-7 - (city code/operator code) - (phone number)
011-7 - (city code/operator code) - (phone number)
Call from Russian mobile number to the USA:
14132961077 , 1-413-2961077 , 1-413-296-1077
14132961077 , 1-413-2961077 , 1-413-296-1077
Call from Russian local number to the USA:
8 - ( beep ) - 10 - 1 - 4132961077*
8 - ( beep ) - 10 - 1 - 4132961077*
Call from Russian office number to the USA:
9 - 8 - ( beep ) - 10 - 1 - 4132961077*
9 - 8 - ( beep ) - 10 - 1 - 4132961077*
* 8 - ( beep ) - 10 can be replaced by +7 - ( beep ) - 10
810 - code for international calls when calling from Russia
011 - code for international calls when calling from the USA
810 - code for international calls when calling from Russia
011 - code for international calls when calling from the USA
QR-code is represented below.
FN: Not defined
TEL: 14132961077
NOTE: Database of the US phone numbers
FN: Not defined
TEL: 14132961077
NOTE: Database of the US phone numbers
Find more information 14132961077
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